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About Us


The Medical Society of Eastern Pennsylvania (MSEP) is the Greater Philadelphia affiliate of the National Medical Association (NMA), the collective voice of Black physicians and the leading force for parity and justice in medicine and the elimination of disparities in health. The MSEP is a 501(c)3 professional organization representing the interests of the Philadelphia area's Black physicians and the patients they serve. The MSEP was founded in 1961 with a mission that aligns with that of our national organization, which is to create opportunities for African-Americans to fully participate in the practice of medicine.

The objectives of the MSEP are the promotion of the science and art of medicine and the betterment of public health. More specifically:

1. Raise the standards of the medical profession and of medical education.

2. Stimulate favorable relationships among all physicians.

3. Nurture the growth and diffusion of medical knowledge and the prompt universal delivery of this knowledge to all peoples by means of an adequate health care delivery system.

4. Stimulate the education of the public concerning all matters affecting the public health.

5. Sponsor the enactment of just medical laws.

6. Eliminate religious and racial discrimination and segregation from the Philadelphia area and American medical institutions by means of an effective organization of the medical profession within our city and its surroundings.

Frederick Douglass Memorial Hospital and Training School founded in 1895

Mercy Douglass Hospital, the Black hospital in the mid-20th century (1955)

William F. King, Jr. MD, FAAP, Pediatrician, Pediatric and Adolescent Medical Centers of Philadelp

PO Box 27306Philadelphia PA 19118

© 2022 Medical Society of Eastern Pennsylvania