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  • July 22, 2024 5:17 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

     2024 NMA Region 2 Society of the Year Award 

     We are thrilled to announce that the Medical Society of Eastern Pennsylvania (MSEP) has been honored with the prestigious 2024 Small Local Society of the Year Award by the National Medical Association and the NMA Region II Society of the Year Award. This accolade is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence in supporting medical students, fostering peer mentorship, facilitating educational discussions, recruiting new members, and providing continuing medical education.

    Significant Growth and Membership Expansion

    Over the past year, MSEP has seen remarkable growth, particularly in our paid member physician category, which increased by an impressive 18.52%. We also witnessed significant growth in our free member categories, with non-member physicians increasing by 35.76%, resident & fellows by 65.62%, and medical students by 32.76%. This surge in membership, especially among residents and fellows, underscores the vitality and appeal of our organization.

    Celebrating Black History Month and Supporting Future Physicians

    In honor of Black History Month, we launched the Black Physicians Highlight Series, where we celebrated the achievements of our member physicians through curated social media posts and informative emails. Our #BlackPhillyMedGradWishlist campaign garnered national attention, supporting 33 graduating students from Philadelphia medical schools with $500 each in 2023 and 15 students in 2024 . This year, we modified the campaign to celebrate residents matched into Philadelphia training programs, fostering a supportive network to retain talent in our community.

    Commitment to Community Health Education

    MSEP has a longstanding dedication to community health education. Our monthly radio program, Physicians On Air, addresses various health topics impacting the Black community. Additionally, our Annual Mercy-Douglass Lectureship commemorates historical hospitals and features esteemed speakers like Dr. Wayne Frederick and Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld. We continue to provide scholarships to outstanding Black medical students and partner with organizations to host educational events such as the PA Black Health Matters Conference and the Black Doctors, White Coats youth summit.

    Enhancing Continuing Education

    Our commitment to continuing education is evident through our hosting of the 2023 Region II NMA Conference, attending the 2024 Region II NMA Conference and virtual workshops on topics like personal branding and Chat GPT in Healthcare. Noteworthy lectures by Dr. Edith Mitchell on health equity and a partnership with Johnson & Johnson to expose members to career options in the pharma industry further enrich our offerings. MSEP’s participation in community events like the RMEC Health Fair underscores our dedication to community engagement and education.

    Looking Ahead

    Receiving the 2024 Small Local Society of the Year Award is a significant milestone for MSEP. It motivates us to continue our mission of advancing the health and well-being of people of African descent in our region. We are immensely proud of our achievements and grateful for the support of our members and partners. Together, we will continue to make a lasting impact on our community.

    Thank you for being part of our journey. Here’s to many more years of growth, learning, and community building!


    The Medical Society of Eastern Pennsylvania 

     Left to right :MSEP VP Dr William King, President Dr. Safiyya Shabazz holding the 2024 NMA Region 2 Society of the Year Award that MSEP won , Treasurer Dr Kim May 

  • June 15, 2021 9:04 AM | Deleted user

    Over on the CDC website, an amazing resource, there’s this statement about the COVID-19 vaccines:

    The best COVID-19 vaccine is the first one that is available to you. Do not wait for a specific brand.

    I certainly agreed with that comment back in late 2020 and early 2021, when demand for vaccines exceeded supply, and we faced record daily case numbers and a race against more transmissible variants, in particular B.1.1.7.

    But fast-forward to today, and things COVID-19-wise in the United States have remarkably, wonderfully, changed. (Knocks wood.) Vaccine supply is plentiful. More than half the population has received at least one shot. Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continue to decline.

    Plus, we’ve got a much-expanded database on vaccine effectiveness and safety, in particular with the mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna, and an emerging sense of the J&J vaccine as well. Is the CDC’s statement still true?

    Let’s take a look at the three vaccines available to us right now, comparing them in various metrics.

    Effectiveness. We were appropriately cautious about making cross-study comparisons between results of the Pfizer and Moderna phase 3 studies versus those from the J&J study — different seasons, different variants, different geographic locations, different protocols.

    But let’s be blunt — a difference between 95% and 60–70% efficacy in preventing symptomatic disease is pretty large. Plus, now we have many population-based studies of the mRNA vaccines showing 90% or higher effectiveness in clinical practice. Effectiveness studies for the J&J vaccine are just starting to appear, and the data look quite similar to the results from the clinical trial — in other words, around 70% effective.

    Safety. Data on the rare — but serious — syndrome of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia (TTS) linked to the J&J vaccine were updated at the latest ACIP meeting on May 12. There have now been 28 cases after nearly 9 million shots. The median age was 40 (range 18–59), with 22 women and 6 men, with the highest risk among women ages 30–39 (roughly 1 case for every 80,000 doses). Again, amazing work by our vaccine safety program in identifying this important safety signal.

    The mRNA vaccines, meanwhile, have no confirmed cases of TTS among over 245 million doses administered. Those are extremely reassuring data. Yes, subjective side effects are more common with the mRNA vaccines than with the J&J vaccine, and CDC now is tracking reports of myocarditis among younger people receiving these vaccines — connection still not confirmed — but many of these myocarditis cases have been mild. Meanwhile, some of the TTS cases have led to permanent disability and even death.

    Boosters. It’s the question everyone wants to know — when will we need booster shots? From they are inevitable since antibody titers decline to never since cellular immunity is forever, the honest response is that we just don’t know.

    But, if antibody titers are a marker for when we’ll need boosters, this modeling study shows a correlation between antibody titers and protection, implying we’ll need them sooner after the J&J vaccine than the mRNA vaccines. Which would not be very surprising with a one-shot approach, would it?

    Convenience. Here the J&J vaccine should be the clear winner, requiring only one shot, and also being easy to ship and store. When we first heard of this advantage, many of us assumed this would mean a far greater supply and availability of the J&J vaccine. However, this is currently not the case, at least not yet. Manufacturing of the mRNA vaccines has clearly accelerated, and they are widely available in many diverse locations.

    These differences are stark enough that I posted this poll last week:

    It seems that most agree with me that the mRNA vaccines are now preferred. If you have a treatment or vaccine that’s both more effective and safer, you don’t need to be a disease modeler to figure out which one is better.

    In the comments to this poll, some cited the contrast between where we are currently in the United States, and the situation globally — which remains dire, and still warrants a “first vaccine available” strategy. I cannot stress this point enough.

    Others mentioned the importance of patient choice. I acknowledge this is an important consideration for individual cases — someone might need to reach that magic 2-week protected threshold sooner, or not have the time to come back for a second dose. These reasons could be enough to justify going forward with the J&J vaccine preferentially.

    However, if someone asked me what COVID-19 vaccine I’d recommend, based on what we know now, my answer would not be “whichever one you prefer” or “whichever one you are offered first” — especially if it were a 35-year-old woman.

    It would be an mRNA vaccine.

    Safiyya S. Shabazz, MD

PO Box 27306Philadelphia PA 19118

© 2022 Medical Society of Eastern Pennsylvania